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Asaf Remler
Mar 24, 20183 min read
All about the Line-Up
One of the most important key factors when choosing your next party is probably the Line-up. Who is going to play? How long will they...

Asaf Remler
Jan 19, 20182 min read
How Music affects your brain?
If that track sends you back to the dance-floor or that music makes you cry, it is because it is literally changing your brain chemistry.

Asaf Remler
Dec 7, 20172 min read
Whats your BPM?
Do you know whats your favorite sub genre in trance? Are you a fan of Goa? Or is it a Full-On for you? Or maybe it is the Progressive?...

Asaf Remler
Nov 24, 20171 min read
So What's in Techno ?
So What's in Techno?
Have you ever been in this dark place, with those flashing lights, and that melody that turns you into a machine...

Asaf Remler
Oct 17, 20171 min read
Does all Trance Music Sounds the Same?
If you'll ask 10 random people about trance music, you'll probably hear: "ohh trance... it all sounds the same". Well, is it true? Hell...
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